Work where it is all happening!

The Federal Government Department of Employment puts out regular vacancy reports. And the current report reinforces the trend. There is a real decline in jobs in the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry arena. Not only that, but as expected, also in Mining and Manufacturing. The latter area is the worst hit with an expected 14% decline in the next 5 years. And I think this calculation is optimistic.  The Department also gives us the growing areas for work over the 5 years to 2020 and this projection is a reasonable beacon for the future.

First up, Health care and social assistance will be the largest contributor to employment growth with its share of growth to be  23.2% by November 2020 according to the projections. Health care is certainly the number one growth area and whatever your background or expertise there are plenty of jobs that might suit you in this expanding field.

The expansion of professional, scientific and technical jobs and services is the next largest growth projection at 14% growth to 2020. And thirdly Education and Training is expected to grow at 11.3% of he employment pie.  Retail trade will be next at 9.8% growth.

Lots of detail is provided in the Department of Employment Vacancy Report which is recommended reading for those who want to look into the future and those thinking about what fields that interest them. All this information and much more is to be found on the Federal Government Labour Market Information Portal.